Smile In the Face of Drama and Fear

One of my favorite quotes came from a book you probably never heard about: The Principia Discordia. Bullshit makes the flowers grow & that’s beautiful. I would have legendary wealth if I had just one dollar for every time someone said something negative about me or spread gossip behind my back. I would be willing […]

How To Deal With Shitty People

I had a guy come in the bar I hadn’t seen in months. I used to think he was my friend. That illusion didn’t last long. He tosses money around like it’s nothing. Nobody knows where it comes from. Theories range from lottery winnings to drug dealing. This guy likes to insinuate there’s mafia involved. […]

5 Alternatives To Freaking Out

This post was going to be called, “5 Ways to Beat Stress.” Then I had a conversation with a friend. Well, I say conversation, but it was more like listening to a grown woman freak out over the accumulation of stress and worry while I just tried to tether her to something sane. I realized […]