The Top Three Problems With Gossip

Gossip is the lube that makes chatter flow freely. It’s too easy to find yourself immersed in the he said / she said. Some gossip gets mean. Rumors fly about coworkers. Personal lives are laid out to bare for all who would rip it apart. Nasty gossip is best left untouched. Here’s three reasons you […]

Awakened Challenge: 100 Gratitudes

Gratefulness. One word that can change your world. Gratitude is the first technique I teach every client. It’s the first attitude I adopt every day. It’s the one thing standing between me and arrows in my back. You may not realize all you have to grateful about. That’s why I’m holding this new challenge. I […]

How You Can Increase Optimism and Happiness In 5 Minutes A Day

I have days where I don’t get to sit down and read until I’m so tired I can’t hold my eyes open. That’s what happens when you have a baby in the house. At first, that really bothered me. I found myself getting irritated at small things. Broken sleep doesn’t help much either. The more […]

The Short and Sweet Guide To Bad Days

Sometimes you’re just pissed. You don’t mean to be frustrated or short fused with anyone, but you didn’t get enough sleep. You were cut off in traffic. You just got fired. You were beat as a kid. Someone you love died. In short, you’ve got problems. You tap the well to force a smile, but […]

5 Alternatives To Freaking Out

This post was going to be called, “5 Ways to Beat Stress.” Then I had a conversation with a friend. Well, I say conversation, but it was more like listening to a grown woman freak out over the accumulation of stress and worry while I just tried to tether her to something sane. I realized […]